Merry Christmas!

Politics doesn't have to be serious all the time. Here's my BC Liberal Leadership version of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.


'Twas six weeks before voting, and all through HQ

Not a person was slacking among the #DewCrew.

The members were emailed twice weekly with care,

In hopes that sweet victory soon would be there.


Your children were nestled all snug in their beds,

And people and families were in all our heads;

But mom in her jammies, and me in my cap,

Were still reading a story to get ours to nap.


When out of the blue there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.

Away to my office I rapidly flew,

Whipped open my laptop to see what was new.


The words on the lips of the new democrats

Made business uncertain and triggered new spats.

Well, what with my wondering eyes should I read,

It’s a time for renewal, a time ripe to lead!


With a little new thinking, and new leadership,

I know we can do this, but we must not slip.

More rapid than eagles, the future will come,

And our team must be ready, united as one!


Me, Ellis and Kevin and Renee and Michael,

Join Sipos and Litwin in this rebuild cycle!

To the top of the ballot, to the top of it all!

Now vote away! vote away! Vote away all!"


As members that choose who the leader will be,

I’m asking you please to cast your vote for me.

But if you’re committed to somebody else,

That’s also a sign of our party’s good health.


The vote’s preferential, that means it is ranked

So your vote still matters if your first choice gets yanked.

I’m asking you now and please tell your friends too

If you back someone else, to still vote for Dew too


I’m off to find votes, with my team at the whistle,

Away #DewCrew flies, like the down of a thistle.

But let me exclaim what we truly believe,



If you’d like to support our campaign to move the BC Liberal Party forward, please consider making a donation

Social Updates

I’m writing this final message as a thank you.

You've registered to vote. You've decided how you're ranking the candidates. Now what? 

West Vancouver - Sea to Sky MLA believes Gavin Dew can lead the BC Liberals forward to victory